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  • Writer's pictureSofia George

Why I Started Blogging

Updated: Dec 7, 2021

A few years ago, when I had moved to Japan to meet up with my husband who was stationed out there, I had begun to travel to more places and more often. I fell in love with traveling and discovering new places. Because of that, I wanted to start taking as many pictures and notes of the places I visited to maybe develop a travel blog and share those adventures with an audience.

Fast forward about 2 years and I found myself expecting our 1st child. The niche I thought I had really wanted to blog about had evolved a bit. I still wanted to share my travels, but I wanted to also share the crazy, fun adventures of motherhood. And becoming a parent never squashed my travel bug. So thus, "Mom's Compass" was born. Although the name didn't actually come to life until very recently.

After becoming a mom, I tried to continue documenting travels, and the ups and downs of parenthood the best I could as notes until I was ready to publish my blog.

Multiple moves and three kids later, I finally found the courage to launch this dream project of mine. It mostly took years in the making because of self-doubt. Because I kept thinking who would want to read my blog? Am I interesting enough? Am I relatable? And finally I told myself, who cares!

Honestly, it's a hobby. And if it makes me happy that's all that should matter. But if I can help just one person that reads something I wrote, then that would make it even more worth it. That one possibility of helping someone, even a complete stranger, would just be icing on the cake.

So welcome to my blog, Mom's Compass. I hope you love the crazy parenting stories I have to tell, and are inspired to have some adventures of your own!

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