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  • Writer's pictureSofia George

What I Packed in My Hospital Bag, and What I Actually Used

Updated: Oct 28, 2021

As you are preparing for the big day, you’re probably asking yourself, “What should I pack?” In the few short weeks leading up to our trip to the hospital, I paced around making a checklist of things I would want to bring along.

Our hospital let us know that they do provide everything because they prepare for unexpected things like women who need to rush in because their water broke and can’t make it home to get their bag. And they weren’t kidding.

I was very lucky. The labor and delivery suite I gave birth at was on top of everything. They had unlimited gowns you could wear, snacks and food at the push of a button, a private bathroom with all the toiletries, and a TV in the room. I felt a little spoiled, ha-ha.

But unfortunately, I’ve heard plenty of stories from fellow mom’s of hospitals that weren’t well stocked on “luxury” amenities, and they had wished they brought certain things along, or had to have their partner run out and grab stuff.

Although, my hospital informed me I would be okay with the clothes on my back and an I.D., I still wanted to prepare for the worst. So here is what my hospital bag looked like.

What I Packed:

· Change of clothes for leaving

· 3 regular, bland underwears. (Don’t bring your cute undies. It’s not worth it to destroy them. Plus they are not useful in holding the massive pads needed to catch all the fun post-partum stuff.)

· 2 different nursing bras

·Phone & charger

· Kindle

· Crossword Puzzles

· Razor

· Dove soap

· Deodorant

· Tooth brush

· Tooth paste

· Contact lens solution and case

· Glasses

· Mascara

· Hair Mousse

· Hair ties

· Witch Hazel wipes

· Overnight, winged pads

· Take-home outfit for baby

What I Actually Used:

· All the toiletries listed (I did end up using all of my own toiletries, except the pads. The ones given by the hospital were much larger and appropriate for the post-birth clean-up. And I used my own toiletries because when it came to hospital soap or my Dove soap, I will always choose Dove.)

· Change of clothes for baby and I to go home. (I changed in and out of hospital gowns for the 2 days I was there. Some people want to wear their normal clothes or special robs they buy soon after birth, but to me it wasn’t worth it. Your whole body is super sore and sweaty even days after birth due to the hormone changes, and your boobs do not want to be confined because they HURT. Just staying comfortable in a hospital gown was sufficient for me.)

· Crossword puzzles (This kept my mind occupied and helped me pass the time quietly. Most of the time I didn’t want to watch TV.)

· Phone and phone charger (For obvious reasons, I brought and used these items. Wanted to keep the family updated and take pictures!)

· Finally, the extra underwear wasn’t needed because they give you a large supply of disposable, mesh, granny-styled underwear to go with your enormous pads and ice packs (Which were provided, too).

So did I use everything I packed?

Overall, I did end up using almost everything from my hospital bag. But I like to think that I packed the essentials.

I hope this post helped you get an idea for what you will need when the time comes. And if you’re currently expecting, CONGRATULATIONS! Just breathe and remember it will all be worth it!

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