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Writer's pictureSofia George

Let Moms Work

Updated: Sep 21, 2021

I'm currently a mom of 3 little boys. But even when I was expecting my first, I would be asked if I was going to stop working and just be a stay-at-home mom. I couldn't get myself to just be an at-home mom. I know plenty of mom's that do that, and that's great if that's what they want or need to do. Everyone's situation is different. But I have always been a busy body and needed some kind of traditional work, in addition to embarking on my journey of motherhood. So I continued working, although my job shifted to work-from-home so I could be more accessible for my kid.

Fast forward a couple years and three kids later, and again I was posed with the same question. But this time it was said by more people, and kind of as an implication that I would be unable to handle three kids and any form of work.

Umm, since when should it be anyone's place to tell someone whether to work or not just because they have children? The answer is never! Unless you are a medical professional and have serious concerns about the health of the mother in a kind of job that might be of detriment, it's really not your place.

Everyone works for different reasons. Some do it because they are the sole provider for their family. Others do it because both parents need to contribute to make ends-meet. And some do it because they truly love it.

Some moms want to work for the social aspect of it, and also just to take a break from the constant parenting. It doesn't mean they love their children any less than a stay-at-home mom. They just need the break from the constant touching, crying, and changing diapers. It's good for one's mental health to take that break sometimes and focus energy elsewhere.

So please, if you ever come across a working mom, be encouraging. They love their children and are just trying to provide for them the best way they can. Don't belittle them for multitasking their duties. Just like everyone else, they are trying and are not less just because they have kids. Give moms a chance. Let moms work! They might surprise you as the best employees ever because of all the skills they have to offer.

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