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  • Writer's pictureSofia George

Hey, Anxious Mama. I See You and I Understand!

Updated: Nov 8, 2021

We pace around with worry. Worrying about what the kids need, if the bills have been paid, what groceries for the week may be needed, if any appointments are coming up. We run around trying to juggle the house, work, and multiple itineraries, and yet we still manage to find a way to worry about others' opinions.

You might think to yourself, why was she staring at me? Why did that guy glance over and then start talking? Were they saying something about me or the kids? Is there toilet paper on my shoe? (Honestly, this one might be a legitimate worry when potty training toddlers, haha.)

But in all honesty, we have enough to worry about with things that actually deserve space in our minds. And yet we still allow frivolous moments, and possibly absolute nothings, to take up rent. Why do we do that?

We tell ourselves not to worry about others opinions. And I completely understand that it's easier said than done. But we really can't allow any useless things to take over and cause unnecessary anxiety or stress.

You're a parent. An amazing human that is raising the next generation, and doing your best just to keep them from hurting themselves because they want to act like the reincarnation of Evel Knievel. Don't let others' looks and comments get to you.

Just grab your tea or coffee, and brush off any "Negative Nancy" emotions or comments.

If anything, someone looking could probably be jealous. Or maybe they're admiring what a wonderful display of strength you're showing by looking fantastic, even with yesterday's messy bun and baby spit up going down your back.

Chances are if I see you, I'm not judging. Even if your kids are melting down worse than Chernobyl in aisle three of the supermarket, I'm still not judging you. I've been there. Anyone who's ever been a patent has been there. If they deny it, they're lying.

If I see you, I'm probably just making mental notes on how I should handle further tantrums. Or maybe I'm just pausing to cheer you on in my head.

There are plenty of reasons to be worried. But we really need to save our energy and emotions for the moments and people that matter the most. You are doing an amazing job and there's no need to be anxious! I see you, and the loving parent that you are!

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