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Writer's pictureSofia George

Birthday Party Blues

Why I'm against birthday parties, and what I prefer to do instead.

It was recently "birthday season" in our house. My husband and three sons all have their birthdays month after month in the spring.

Each time this season approaches I ask them what they would like to do for their birthday- where they might want to go? If they're not sure, I offer suggestions of things they might like or maybe a new place they haven't been to before, but perhaps they would want to visit.

Generally, it's always a success! We go to a new zoo, museum, waterpark, or even amusement park and everyone has a blast.

The money that would have been spent on a more traditional birthday party, I feel, is well spent on a birthday outing that's more intimate and less stressful than hosting a kid's party.

This is where my blues comes in.

My oldest has sometimes asked for a more traditional birthday party in the last two years. But then ultimately, he changes his mind because he does want to go to an amusement park or waterpark.

For his next birthday, I have been thinking of entertaining the idea and throwing him a traditional party again... but with it comes dread.

Don't get me wrong! I love the idea of my kids being surrounded by friends and family all singing "Happy Birthday" to them. But from some past experiences, I'm always scared that my kids will be let down like I have been.

I was never the popular girl, but there was a time when I thought I had a good number of friends I could count on to turn up to my birthday parties. Turns out I was wrong.

One year only one person showed up, and another year no one.

As they get older, I fear that this will happen to them eventually. And I would hate for them to be as crushed as I was.

Birthday parties in general are also much more expensive than they should be for streamers, balloons, cake, food, and a two-hour reservation somewhere.

As mentioned, I'd rather use those funds towards a full day or even a weekend of guaranteed, good core memories.

Where do you stand?

Maybe I'm feeling irrational and silly, but I feel like I'm not alone on this.

I'd love to hear from you. Feel free to leave a comment below.

Are you more for birthday parties or birthday outings? Or maybe both?

And if you've been where I am, how have you overcome the anxiety of hosting with the uncertainty of attendance?

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