What's the Deal with Them? And Do They Really Work?
Some of you may have noticed babies with those amber beads around their necks and wondered what all the fuss is about. Do they actually provide relief from teething pains? Is it just some gimmick? Or as my husband calls it "voodoo magic"?
Now, I can't speak for the latter. But I can attest that these beads truly have been little nuggets of miracles for my sons. I first looked into them when my oldest started cutting teeth at 4 months old. I was extremely skeptical at first. But I really didn't want him living off of Tylenol for a year while his baby teeth came in. So I finally jumped on them and decided, why not? Let's just give it a try and if not, it was just $20ish bucks. I've spent more than I care to admit on other worthless things.
But I was pleasantly surprised that they did indeed work! And almost within two days, I noticed a much happier baby. Drool was still pooling down his chin. But his hands were no longer constantly in his mouth. And he was back to his normal babbling self.
So when baby number two came along and started showing signs of teething, I once again reached for the beads. His baby teeth are now all in, and the beads are now in possession of the last little one. He is currently three months old and has begun with all the signs of teething as of a week ago. He was absolutely miserable and up multiple times a night recently. But now since placing the necklace on him, he is back to only waking maybe once a night for a diaper change and bottle.
I don't know the exact science behind how it works, but from what I've read online the beads contain succinic acid. When worn, the baby's body temperature allows for the oil to enter the bloodstream and provide pain relief. Now there are some arguments out there that it's not enough to cause any true treatment. Again, I don't know the exact science. But speaking from experience, as a mom of 3 little boys, we have had a very positive outcome with them!
Another concern is whether they are even safe to put on a baby. I completely understand the fear of having a baby choke because the necklace gets pulled or if the beads fall out. While I'm not paid to promote them, the company I have used is Baltic Essentials. All of their baby necklaces and bracelets have clasps that break if pulled to hard. This would allow for the necklace to come loose off the baby and prevent suffocation. Now the other concern would then be, what about the loose beads? Well they thought of that too! Each bead is individually tied off. So if the necklace does break, the beads do not slide off the thread.
Now, by no means does this mean the baby should be left unsupervised with them on. You should still be cautious with a baby that has something around their neck or anything that could be a choking hazard. But our use of the beads have been very positive.
To make sure you haven't been duped, look for raw amber beads. They can be polished or unpolished. But make sure they have that actual rock texture and are not plastic. Again, I can vouch for Baltic Essentials as they have been our go to company for the last 5 years.
If you're currently going through the joys of teething, I wish you and your little one the best of luck in finding relief. Remember, do what feels right for your child. Everyone is different and what may work for some, may not work for others. Here's to those pearly whites and beautiful smiles!