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  • Writer's pictureSofia George

10 Sarcastic Responses For Parents of 3+ Kids

Updated: Dec 7, 2021

If you've had more than two kids, I'm sure you've heard some ridiculous remarks. Sometimes before the third baby is even born. I know people didn't feel inclined to hold back on any remarks the moment they realized I was expecting our third.

I appreciate honesty, as I'm a blunt person myself, but at some point a filter should be required. Especially when you're dealing with a mom that has hormones raging from pregnancy or being postpartum.

One recent encounter I had with a stranger, I didn't even have words for. I just laughed because it was so ridiculous. An older gentleman was in the lobby of a pediatric dental office when I came trudging in with my three boys. He had the audacity to look shocked and stated, "Oh wow, that's a lot of kids!" I thought to myself, "Umm, sir. You are a grown man in a children's place. What do expect to walk through the doors? Grown men in business suits?" -Haha.

I honestly don't get it. I know a lot of people have one or two kids. But I know plenty of families with 3 or more. It's not that rare. But people seem to act like the circus has arrived and you are a freak show on parade. I'm one of five kids myself. I could only imagine what was said when we all went out!

The most important thing is that the children are well cared for and loved. If someone doesn't have any valid interest in the kids or isn't financially responsible for them, then their opinions really don't matter! The kids didn't come from their body, they came from your's.

I like to ease uncomfortable situations by approaching it with a sense of humor. Mine tends to be sarcastic. So here are some pretty cheeky comebacks I've come up with and used. Hope these help you when you get those weird comments from ridiculous spectators.

Sarcastic Responses For Parents of Multiples

1. No, I don't know how it happens.

2. Is it a lot? Would you like some?

3. Birth control? What's that? Can you explain the fail rate while you're at it?

4. We were bored and don't like technology.

5. We're good at it.

6. We didn't want to stop until we had both genders, but that didn't happen. Should we keep going?

7. We were trying to start our own baseball team.

8. Our life wasn't crazy enough, so we wanted to add more people to it.

9. We didn't like sleep and thought we wouldn't miss it.

10. We wanted to know what it would be like to slowly lose our minds and money simultaneously.

Parents, enjoy the journey and all the love and adventures little ones bring. Don't dwell on stupid stuff. All those children have come your way for a reason. Just keep going and laugh off the negative comments.

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